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Showing posts with label super hero cape. Show all posts
Showing posts with label super hero cape. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

GIVEAWAY {enter now, it's almost over!}

Hi friends!  The superhero cape giveaway mentioned here is nearly over!  The odds are on your side to win one of two superhero capes.  I would love to have you win!  This giveaway ends when I reach 60 followers...I am just ONE follower shy of 60! {thank you for all the love this week!}

I didn't receive any referrals {becoming followers} to giveaway a third cape, so here is my new plan, because I know a custom cape would be so fun for your little marvel!!!

Here's what to do. Head on over to Facebook and like Our Wonderfilled Life.  When I reach 100 FB "fans" I will create a custom superhero cape {$35 value} for the person with the most referrals.  Make sure they write on the wall of Our Wonderfilled Life that you referred them.  

Thank you so much for your support, can't wait to announce the winners!!

{Note, I have closed comments on this post, please comment at the original giveaway post using the button to the right of this post or the link above, thanks!}


Saturday, July 16, 2011

GIVEAWAY NOW CLOSED!! Turn up the HEAT, it's GIVEAWAY time!!!

It's time for another giveaway!  This one is coming from yours truly at Little Marvels Designs.  When I started my new blog, Our Wonderfilled Life, I had this giveaway in mind and it makes me happy to share it with you!!

Your boy and girl wonders are going to LOVE this!!! 

{my first-born boy wonder}

I will give away a boy cape and a girl cape, best fit for children ages 2-6 in the awesome color combinations {girl} and orange/blue {boy} just in case the colors don't come out too well on your screen.  Since the capes will be made custom for your little marvel, I can personalize the cape with an initial. These capes are sewn by me, made out of quality materials, and sure to ignite imagination and they are just so much fun!!   Note, if you do choose to have the cape initialized, then the circle is removed and the initial is placed inside the emblem.  The only cape that cannot have an initial is the lightning bolt design.  

{value $35 per cape}

classic hero
princess crown
lightning bolt

To enter {remember you must be a follower of Our Wonderfilled Life to enter}:
{1} Comment here and list the superhero power you would most like to acquire. 
{Me, Elastigirl for sure, those stretchy arms would come in handy!}
{2} Share this link with your people {on your blog, FB, etc.} and have them become a follower of 
Our Wonderfilled Life.  Have them comment back here on #1 and refer you, 
that will give you another entry along with theirs. 
{3} Like Our Wonderfilled Life on FB here and you'll get another entry {this entry only applies if you become a follower of Our Wonderfilled Life blog}.  

This giveaway will be open until I reach 60 followers, at which point I will choose 2 winners randomly, 
so share this link with your peeps for more chances to win!  


It gets better for you my sweet blog followers!  Whomever refers the most new followers to 
Our Wonderfilled Life will also get an awesome cape...your choice of colors, emblem, initial, etc.  

Can't wait for one of you to win!!!

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