Sunday, July 22, 2012

A New Tradition: Birthday Morning Balloons {& More} Surprise!

What could be more fun than waking up to a room full of balloons on your birthday?!
Well a room full of balloons and some very special touches!

Several weeks before Ethan's Lucky Seven birthday {I will be sharing more on his family game night party soon},  I pinned this idea as inspiration for a birthday morning surprise.

I love finding new birthday traditions and creating that one 
this is so cool! factor, you know the one they will remember!
The part of the day that underlines, this day is all YOU!

First I had several photos printed from E's first seven years of life.
OK yes, then I did sit with these photos and remember each of the moments,
which led to a how did we get here so fast? discussion with Matt at about 1am..ahh...
So. many. great. memories.

When I chose the photos I made sure to include one photo from each of his past birthdays.
I had the balloons blown up in a variety of colors that scream birthday surprise!
There were also balloons to represent each year from 1 to 7, 
to these I attached that year's birthday picture.  

I still wanted to add something more.  
Recently, E attended a friend's party and we got him a few seven dollar giftcards
to fun summer favorites and he mentioned how much he liked the idea, so...

I added giftcards from us and one of his Grandma's to the balloons
as well, seven dollars to seven of his faves...and maybe a few more not pictured {smile}.

After attaching the gift cards and photos, I summoned all of the possible quiet I could muster
trying to bring the balloons into E's room while he slept.

I even turned the light on to get a photo.
Brave.  I know.  {grin}
Thank God for a heavy sleeper!

He LOVED it!  
So did the brothers, thankfully they won't remember so I can do it again times four...

Apparently the balloons also came with a lil' brother attached. 

Amazingly, E can focus in the midst of the craziness swirling around him.
He is going to have a career that requires some amazing level of concentration.
Just sitting there happily opening his cards.

My not-so-little can't-believe-he's-seven year old, 
cuter than cute, bedhead and all.  

Seriously, who wouldn't want to wake up to a room full of floating happiness?!!

It was a beautiful memorable morning!!

More to come on the Lucky Seventh Birthday!!

Surprise someone today!!
:: michelle ::


  1. i LOVE this idea!! so fun and special :)

  2. such a great surprise! Love this idea. How were you able to get only $7 on each gift card? Anytime I ask the stores it has to be in increments of $5 or $10.

  3. awww! I've thought about doing something like that. I think I saw on some tv show they filled up a child's room with a ton of balloons, like so many you were in a ball hut. I thought one birthday it would be fun to do something like that. I love your idea with the pictures attached and the 7 for $7 gift cards, too cute! Happy Birthday to your not so little one anymore... we'll be there too in a couple months, eek!


  4. Great idea! Love traditions that make birthdays special.

  5. This is a great idea!! I did something like this for my two year old! I just had a bunch of balloons on the floor when he woke up and we took him out the crib that way we could watch him...this would work with the boys when they are older...Great idea!!


I so appreciate your sweet thoughts and thank you for sharing. I always try to reply whether it be to your email or on one of your blog posts! Wishing you a wonder*filled day! Michelle