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Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Well Hello, Hello!!  How is everyone after Christmas?!!
I am always sad to see it go, but it truly was magical!
Are you still climbing out from under the piles?
How very blessed is that?!

Now for the winners, this always makes me happy
to give a couple things away!

The choice of either the boy or girl print and some playroom
design help and inspiration is...


Jill said...

I shouldn't have a hard time organizing my kids toys - I have a 700 sq. ft. playroom. Buuuut, I'm constantly organizing and reorganizing the space as they grow older and as we start getting boy stuff in after years of only girl toys. It's such a wide open space with so much potential...and it's taking soooooo long for me to focus on getting it just how I want it. :/ I feel like the little stuff is just lost in bins and then the pieces that go with other pieces don't get played with because it's all just tossed in so carelessly - With my oldest just turning 5, there isn't much skill in the cleaning dept. with them and I just don't have to time to put it all back together every day. How can we keep it all where it belongs???

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Can't wait to get some thoughts and ideas going with you!!

And for the Starbucks Giftcard...

{insert Star Wars music here because well we're having a Star Wars marathon over break}

The winner is....


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The McOmie's said...

I am new to the blog and I am now a follower! Hi!



  1. Wahoo! I never win anything! :) can't wait to hear your thoughts, Michelle!

  2. Hi, following from Mombloggers. Please feel free to follow me back at:

    My Twitter is:!/DMochaTraveler


I so appreciate your sweet thoughts and thank you for sharing. I always try to reply whether it be to your email or on one of your blog posts! Wishing you a wonder*filled day! Michelle

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