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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Bands of Our Boys

This photo gets me all teary-eyed.
{every time}

I don't think it will ever lose it's intensity.

Their sweet and proud Dad
thought to snap it
just after their birth,
as they put the bands of 
4 tiny little miracles
on our wrists.

They were bound to us,
and us to them.

It meant they made it.
A whole lot of prayers answered.

It brought us back to the 
very first time we became parents.

Sometimes it's not the photos
that I take time to coordinate outfits for
or plan out that are the most meaningful.
It's ones like these that are taken,
spontaneously, joyously, that capture it all.

Every time I look at it,
I will never forget,
how I felt,
in that incredible moment.


1 comment:

I so appreciate your sweet thoughts and thank you for sharing. I always try to reply whether it be to your email or on one of your blog posts! Wishing you a wonder*filled day! Michelle

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