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Friday, August 26, 2011

Band of Brothers

This could not be more true!

Ever since the little boys were born
I wondered what it would be like when 
they interacted with one another.
When they started to realize..hmm...
these other kids are here all day too,
wonder what that's about?!

Today it changed.
They have babbled to one another.
A word here, an answer there, another word.

They talk a lot to the non-quad contingency (i.e. Mom, Dad, E)

Today a few full out sentences to one another.

They are having conversations!!
It is sooooo cool!!

Here is the definition
from the dictionary of all things boy...

Conversation - n. shared random thoughts responded to by your brother,
who then shares his random thoughts.
You may not get the answer you were expecting.
Regardless, you are expected to respond.
If you don't the thought may be repeated...repeated...repeated.

{after a rare errand out solo with mom}
Aiden - Griffin, you go shoppin'?
Beckham - He go shoppin'!!!!
Griffin - Yes, which sweetly sounds like Yeth.
Liam - Griffin you shoes on? Me shoes on.
Then all chanting, Shoes on! Want shoes on!

{during naptime I had to run E to his doctor appt.}
Aiden - should be sleeping, Mom, you comin' get me?
Liam - Mama go bye-bye.
Aiden - Auntie Bridget was here, Bridge you comin' get me?
{smart cookies}

People would always remark,
just wait for the day they play together,
talk to one another.
I seriously could not imagine it happening.
Likely, consumed by the here and now.

You mean one day they will answer each other?
Could it be true?!

Most days it all seems so completely normal to me.
Today I had a moment too,
realizing again how completely
unique and awesome their bond is.

Happy Saturday to you all!



  1. How awesome, as my middle son gets older I see him interact more and more with his older brother. I can't wait till all 3 boys interact together

  2. Very Cool, isn't it? It's so much blessed.

  3. that is sooo cute! my Liam hasn't quite gotten around to the talking part, I think he's lazy and figures if I get what I want by moaning and groaning why should I use real words! But i do love watching them all play together and interact... when they're not trying to beat each other up!



I so appreciate your sweet thoughts and thank you for sharing. I always try to reply whether it be to your email or on one of your blog posts! Wishing you a wonder*filled day! Michelle

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